Showing posts with label Foreign Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foreign Policy. Show all posts

Putin had a meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in Tehran.

The meeting between Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev was held before the beginning of the trilateral summit between Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan
Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in Tehran.
Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in Tehran.

Beginning of meeting with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Mr. Aliyev, it is a great pleasure to see you – in Tehran, this time.

We meet regularly and talk on the phone as well. We are always in touch, which is natural, because the relationship between our countries is special. It is certainly a strategic partnership.

Vladimir Putin with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Vladimir Putin with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Both you and I know about all the threads binding Azerbaijan and Russia together. And I must point out that our efforts to develop bilateral contacts have not been in vain – I am talking about the almost 62 percent increase in trade in the first nine months of the year.

We are working to develop other areas as well, and are constantly consulting each other on regional issues.

It is a great pleasure to see you in a bilateral setting.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev:

Thank you, Mr. Putin. I am also very glad to see you again.

We have already met several times this year, and our meetings always lead to good results, because we give a new impetus to the development of relations.

We are very pleased that trade is growing after certain complex processes. This shows that there is great mutual interest between businesses, and the growth of trade is also an indicator of the restoration of our economy, of mutual interest.

Our relations with Russia are of a strategic nature, and we characterize them as such. We cooperate in all areas, including cultural, economic, energy, transport, and defense industry cooperation. And so it is a full-fledged relationship between friends, neighbors and close partners.

Vladimir Putin at a meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Vladimir Putin at a meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

I am also very glad that today's meeting is taking place on the sidelines of this trilateral summit. This is also a very important event on a global scale, I would say.

This is because this cooperation is based on deep historical roots and mutual interests, on the mutual support that our countries provide in the international arena.

So I am very glad to meet again and discuss important issues which I am sure will give a new impetus to strengthening our ties.

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Vladimir Putin met with Ali Khamenei

President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with Supreme Leader and spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during his working visit to Iran.

Vladimir Putin with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. During his visit to Iran.
Vladimir Putin with Supreme Leader and spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The conversation took place after the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of Iran Hassan Rouhani in Tehran. 


Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Islamic Republic of Iran.
Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Islamic Republic of Iran.
Russian President with Supreme Leader and spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Russian President with Supreme Leader and spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin with spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Vladimir Putin and spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

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Vladimir Putin met with President of Iran Hassan Rouhani

President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a bilateral meeting with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani.

A bilateral meeting of Vladimir Putin with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani.
A bilateral meeting of Vladimir Putin with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani.

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani

Mr. Putin, welcome to the Islamic Republic of Iran. We are very glad to welcome you here, in Tehran.

Apart from our commitment to developing bilateral relations, we have also reached a new stage in the development of international relations between Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan.

Over the last four years we have been stepping up the relations between our countries. The fact that this is the second time we meet in Tehran in the last two years further emphasizes the positive momentum in the bilateral relations between Russia and Iran.

It is highly satisfying that apart from developing our bilateral relations, our countries play an important role in promoting peace and stability in the region. By developing our relations we were able to defeat one of the most dangerous terrorist groups.

Trilateral cooperation between Russia, Iran and Turkey is indicative of efforts to restore peace and stability in Syria.

The Iranian government is committed to further strengthening relations with Russia, our important neighbor and friend, and advancing cooperation on peace and security matters.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Mr. President, on my behalf, I would like to thank you for organizing today’s visit.

We have the opportunity to meet in bilateral and trilateral settings.



President of Iran Hassan Rouhani
President of Iran Hassan Rouhani.
Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani.
Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani.
Vladimir Putin, Hassan Rouhani, diplomats
Talks between Russia and Iran in Tehran.
Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Hassan Rouhani in Iran
President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Hassan Rouhani in Iran.

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Putin met with President of Moldova Igor Dodon

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of Moldova Igor Dodon in Sochi.

The discussion between Vladimir Putin and Igor Dodon focused, in particular, on topical issues of relations of Russia and Moldova. Presidents discussed the possible ways of settling the Transnistria conflict.
Vladimir Putin and Igor Dodon before their meeting in Sochi
Before the meeting of the Presidents of Russia and Moldova in Sochi.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov together with Deputy Prime Minister and Russian Co-Chair of the Russian - Moldovan Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation Dmitry Rogozin, and Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov attended the meeting on behalf of Russia.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon, Mr. Dodon, colleagues,

As you know, this year we celebrated the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries. Many events took place over these years, quite a few of them tragic, such as the Transnistria conflict.
Meeting with President of Moldova Igor Dodon in Sochi.
Meeting with President of Moldova Igor Dodon in Sochi.

It is in this context that we greatly value your efforts to normalize Russian-Moldovan relations. We can see that the process is not smooth but both the people of Moldova and the people of the Russian Federation are interested in a positive outcome.

I am glad to have this opportunity to discuss all aspects of our bilateral ties on the sidelines of the CIS summit.

President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon:

Mr. Putin, colleagues,

To begin with, I am very glad that it is almost exactly 10 months since we resumed the dialogue of our countries at the level of heads of state: the first meeting of presidents took place on January 17.

We made many positive changes over these 10 months but we also had problems that we must also discuss and assess objectively.

President of Moldova Igor Dodon
President of Moldova Igor Dodon.
During this period Moldova has substantially increased exports – by over 17 percent in the first seven months of the year; exports of some items increased multiple times over – for example, 19 times more exports of grapes and three times more exports of apples.

Owing to our agreements – and I would like to thank you once again for this – the problem of migrants has been resolved. Tens of thousands received an opportunity to settle their problems and obtain legal status or come to the Russian Federation again.

Of course, there were problems as well because not everyone is happy that our strategic partnership has resumed. There were attempts both inside and outside the country to provoke our leaders into confrontation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin with President of Moldova Igor Dodon.
I must say that despite all this, we continue normal contacts at the level of MP groups. For instance, Zinaida Greceanii will meet with Mr. Volodin tomorrow and is taking part in an important parliamentary event in St Petersburg.

During the next few weeks, we are planning to hold a meeting of the inter-parliamentary Friendship Group, which has not met for the past eight years. We have invited several dozen State Duma deputies to visit Moldova.

Delovaya Rossiya held a big event both in Moscow and Chisinau. Literally yesterday its Co-Chairman Igor Chaika was in Tiraspol and Comrat, and we had good meetings in Chisinau.

For the first time, the Moldovan delegation – over 400 young people – will take part in the youth festival in Sochi at the end of this week. We made sure they come from both the right and left banks.

Needless to say, we will discuss Transnistria in more detail. But I would like to thank you on behalf of the Moldovan people both from the left and right banks because in July of this year we marked the 25th anniversary of the peacekeeping operation.

This has been a successful operation, and I would like to thank you very much on behalf of the Moldovan people because the role of this peacekeeping operation in maintaining peace is very important.

Vladimir Putin at the meeting with President of Moldova Igor Dodon.
Vladimir Putin at the meeting with President of Moldova Igor Dodon.
Naturally, we had several meetings also with the leaders of Transnistria. We divide the resolution of all problems into two stages. We have a plan for resolving current issues. We drafted and submitted proposals on car license plates because there is a risk that the Ukrainians will block the resolution of this issue.

We have set forth proposals on landlines and recognition of university diplomas. These are short-term issues, and they must be settled now. I hope we will do this in the next few weeks.

As for the mid- and long-term perspective and political settlement, we understand that it will be only possible to resume their discussion after the parliamentary elections that will take place in Moldova next year.

I am sure this will be a pro-Moldovan parliament that will be motivated to resolve this very important problem. The resolution of the Transnistria issue is a strategic task for me. This is important for everyone – for the regions and the residents of both the left and right banks.

Vladimir Putin:

Mr. Dodon, you have just mentioned certain decisions that were made during or as a result of our talks. I am referring to liberalization related to labor migrants, opening certain segments of the Russian market for goods that are sensitive for Moldova’s economy, and some other matters.

I should say frankly that this was done not preemptively, so to speak, but to support your efforts to normalize Russian-Moldovan relations. We hope very much that people will see and appreciate this and will do all they can to support the forces in your country that are focused on further improving and developing Russian-Moldovan relations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin
President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
In the future, we will definitely be building our economic ties proceeding from the level of our political engagement. As of now, to reiterate, we would like to support your sincere intentions to restore and develop Russian-Moldovan relations.

For our part, we will also do our best to resolve the Transnistria conflict; you and I have repeatedly talked about that and we should certainly act as guarantors of the agreements that can and should eventually emerge in order to resolve this problem once and for all in the interest of the people living on that territory.

Igor Dodon:

Mr. President, the majority of citizens understand this very well and despite the provocations staged by the government and the parliamentary majority, they realize that the Russian Federation has taken a very balanced and wise approach toward these provocations.

Those were clear provocations because, believe me, hundreds of thousands of producers and those working in Russia, and not only those, are closely watching our meeting today.

Because there are circumstances, and certain people hope that there will be tougher attacks – well, not exactly attacks, but a response to the acts of lawlessness perpetrated by the Moldovan government against both migrants and exports.

I discussed this previously with Dmitry Rogozin in detail, when we met in Tehran: it is important that ordinary people are not affected. Over 60 percent of Moldovan citizens regard Russia as a friendly nation. All the efforts that have been made so far this year – people see them and see them in a positive light. On behalf of our citizens, once again thank you very much for this.

Vladimir Putin:

We feel the same for Moldova.

Igor Dodon:

Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin met with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his Sochi residence, Bocharov Ruchei.

The meeting of Vladimir Putin and Emomali Rahmon took place behind closed doors.

Vladimir Putin with Emomali Rahmon in Bocharov Ruchei.
Vladimir Putin with Emomali Rahmon in Bocharov Ruchei.
From the Russian side the meeting was attended by:
  • Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
  • First Deputy Prime Minister and Co-Chair of the Russian-Tajikistani Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation Igor Shuvalov
  • Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov


President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in Sochi.
President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in Sochi.
Vladimir Putin with President of Tajikistan in Bocharov Ruchei.
Vladimir Putin with President of Tajikistan in Bocharov Ruchei.
Vladimir Putin meeting with Emomali Rahmon in Sochi.
Vladimir Putin meeting with Emomali Rahmon in Sochi.
Vladimir Putin met with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in Sochi.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.
Vladimir Putin greeting President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in Sochi
Vladimir Putin greeting President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in Sochi.
Vladimir Putin and President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.
Vladimir Putin and President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

Vladimir Putin held Russian - Saudi talks in Moscow

Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, who is in Russia on a state visit.

Russian-Saudi talks in expanded format. Moscow, Kremlin.
Russian - Saudi talks in expanded format. Moscow, Kremlin.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia discussed a broad range of issues of Russian-Saudi cooperation and prospects of enhancing bilateral cooperation in the trade, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian areas. They also exchanged views on international issues.

A package of documents was signed following the talks.

The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed an agreement on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes and the road-map of trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the mid-term perspective.

The sides also signed interdepartmental memorandums of understanding and cooperation in the areas of communications and ICT, labor, social development and social protection, and the purchase of military goods and localization of their production. The documents signed include programs on cooperation in the fields of culture, agriculture, and the peaceful use of nuclear energy, as well as a contract on general terms of organizing licensed production of AK103 Kalashnikov rifles and different munitions.

An agreement to establish a $1 billion energy investment fund with the participation of the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia (PIF), the Saudi Arabian Oil Company known as Saudi Aramcoand the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), as well as the agreement on investments of up to $100 million by the PIF and RDIV in the United Transport Concession Holding were signed.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin.
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin.
In addition, an agreement on establishing a $1 billion high-tech investment fund, which provides for investment by the PIF and the RDIF.

The sides also signed an agreement on cooperation between Saudi Aramco, the RDIF and Sibur Holding on oil refining projects.

Beginning of talks between King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia and President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Your Majesty, colleagues and friends,

Let me cordially welcome you to Russia’s capital, Moscow. Thank you very much for accepting our invitation and coming on a visit. This is the first visit of the King of Saudi Arabia to Russia in the history of our relations, and this itself is a landmark event.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
Our relations have a fairly long history. In 1926, 90 years ago, even more, our country, the Soviet Union at that time, was the first state to recognize the newly formed Kingdom created by Abdulaziz bin Al Saud. And now we are very pleased to receive you here, Your Majesty. I am confident that your visit will serve as a good impetus for the development of our intergovernmental relations.


King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia:

I am grateful to you, Your Excellency, Mr. Putin, for the warm welcome.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.
We are happy to visit your friendly country. We are striving to strengthen bilateral relations in the interests of peace and security, in the interests of developing the world economy.


Beginning of Russian - Saudi talks in expanded format.

Russian President Vladimir Putin:

Your Majesty, colleagues. Allow me to welcome you once again, now in an expanded format.

We have just completed talks in narrow format, which were very in-depth. We spoke about our bilateral relations and the situation in the region. It was a very informative, substantive and trust-based discussion.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia and President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia and President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
I would like to say once again that we are glad to welcome the King of Saudi Arabia on a visit, which is the first in the history of our relations. I believe that this visit will give a new strong impetus to the development of bilateral relations.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia:

In the name of Allah most gracious, most merciful.

Gentlemen, Mr. Putin,

First of all, I would like to thank you, Mr. President, for your warm welcome and hospitality that we received in this friendly country.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia during Russian-Saudi talks in expanded format.
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia during Russian-Saudi talks in expanded format.
We value the warm feelings towards our country that you expressed in your remarks. We enjoy visiting this friendly country to confirm our commitment to strengthening and improving the relations between our countries and peoples in various areas.

It should be noted that these relations are defined by common perspectives on many regional and international problems.

We continue coordinating our actions in every area that contributes to the higher security and prosperity in our states, in every area that promotes international peace and security. We are striving to continue the positive cooperation between our states to achieve stability in the global oil market, which will facilitate global economic growth.

We strongly believe that there are great opportunities to expand and diversify the scope of our economic cooperation, to establish the trade, economic and investment foundation that would enhance the use of our specifics for the benefit of our countries and in the interests of developing trade throughout industries according to the Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 program.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia in the Kremlin.
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia in the Kremlin.
The international community today is called upon to energize its efforts against extremism, terrorism and the sources of their financing. Realizing the enormous danger that terrorism and extremism pose for the security and stability of countries and peoples, Saudi Arabia called for establishing an international counter-terrorism center under the aegis of the UN and provided $110 million for this center. Saudi Arabia established a military Islamic coalition that now comprises 41 Muslim states, and initiated the opening of a global center in Riyadh to combat extremist ideology.

We are stressing the importance of putting an end to the suffering of the Palestinians, and speaking in favor of the Arab Peace Initiative and international law serving as a basis for achieving overarching, just and permanent peace that would ensure the Palestinians’ right to create their own independent state with a capital in East Jerusalem.

We are also stressing that the security and stability in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East is the most eagerly sought-after and essential prerequisite for achieving security and stability in the world. This requires that Iran abandon attempts to interfere in the domestic affairs of the states in the region and stop the activity that destabilizes the region.

We are stressing the significance of a political resolution of the Yemeni crisis based on the Persian Gulf states’ initiative, its implementation methods, the results of Yemen’s National Dialogue and UN Security Council Resolution 2216, which ensures Yemen’s unity, security and stability.

As concerns the Syrian crisis, we are committed to pushing for its resolution in line with the Geneva I decisions and UN Security Council Resolution 2254, to finding a political solution that would guarantee security, stability and Syria’s unity and territorial integrity. We call for the international community to take responsibility for the issues of Rohingya Muslims and find a solution that would protect them from violence and put an end to their suffering. We are also stressing the importance of preserving Iraq’s unity and territorial integrity and unification of the domestic front against terrorism. Finally, I am pleased to extend my invitation to the President to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to continue and complete our consultations, and to improve the cooperation between our countries in all areas. Thank you once again to you, Mr. Putin, and the Russian Government for the warm welcome and hospitality. We wish your country and the friendly Russian people further progress and prosperity.

Vladimir Putin:

Your Majesty, thank you very much. Thank you for the invitation. I remember my previous trip to your country, and by all means I accept your invitation to visit Saudi Arabia once again.
