Showing posts with label EAEU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EAEU. Show all posts

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting. The list of journalists.

The list of journalists accredited to cover the meetings of the CIS Council of Heads of State and the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council
Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
CIS Council of Heads of State and the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council will be held in Sochi on the 11th of October 2017. as well as information for the media on the working procedure at these events have been published.

Information for the media on the working procedure at these events have been published.

The events will be held at the Radisson Blu Resort & Congress Center, 1A Golubaya Street, Sochi, Adler District.

The International Press Center for accredited journalists will be located on the ground floor of the Imeretinskiy Hotel, 1 Morskoy Boulevard, Sochi, Adler District, Imereti Valley.

The press center will be open on the 11th of October 2017 from 9 am to 11 pm.

Journalists with accreditation badges will be able to enter the press center through the hotel’s side entrance on Golubaya Street. Accreditation badges will be issued at the entrance to the press center.

Main events:
  • Photo opportunity for the heads of delegations of the CIS Council of Heads of State meeting (12:55 PM)
  • CIS Council of Heads of State meeting in restricted format (11:00 PM)
  • CIS Council of Heads of State meeting in expanded format (02:00 PM)
  • Photo opportunity for the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council heads of state (04:25 PM)
  • Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting in restricted format (04:30 PM)
  • Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting in expanded format (05:30 PM)
  • Press statement (06:30 PM)
Starting time is subject to change!

The events will be streamed to the press center.

Information on the host broadcaster.

To receive video materials from the host broadcaster or to broadcast your own materials and charter stand up positions, please contact Dmitry Kashmanov (VGTRK) by telephone +7 (985) 035-13-91.

Note for the CIS media: To receive video materials from the host broadcaster, to broadcast your own materials or charter stand up positions, please contact Natalya Zhuravleva (MIR) by telephone +7 (985) 156-98-30.

Note for television journalists: Please, do not use wireless microphones or any other radio systems that might interfere with the operation of VGTRK, the official broadcaster, in the events rooms or adjacent rooms. If you need to record events or stream information from these rooms, please use only cord microphones.

The list of accredited journalists.

  • Аббасов Адалет (Пресс-служба. Азерб Рес)
  • Абдель Мунем Салем Адил (AL MAYADEEN TV)
  • Абдраева Салтанат КНИА (Кабар)
  • Абельдинов Рустам 1 канал (Евразия)
  • Абубякеров Руслан Сяитович (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Автухов Александр Телеканал (ОНТ)
  • Агаев Омаргелди Говшудович (ТРК Туркменистана)
  • Адилова Айгуль Хабар
  • Азаров Дмитрий Бойкович (Коммерсантъ)
  • Айниддин Самариддин (PRESS TJK)
  • Акабиров Азаматхон (Пресс-служба)
  • Акбаров Фарид (АПА)
  • Акимжанова Маржан (Пресс-служба Президент РК)
  • Акиньшина Лилия Анатольевна (ТВ Центр)
  • Александров Александр Владимирович (МТРК "Мир")
  • Али Дархан (ТРК Президента РК)
  • Алиев Вугар (АзерТадж)
  • Алиев Заур (Пресс-служба. Азерб Рес)
  • Алимова Мая Ахмедовна (Газета «Нейтральный Туркменистан»)
  • Амаев Нурислан Амаев (газета "Туркменистан")
  • Амансарыев Бекдурды Джумамырадович (ТДХ)
  • Амирова Галина Игоревна (Вестник экономики)
  • Аразгулыев Гурбанназар (Журнал «Дияр»)
  • Арибжанов Алий Махмудович (Первый канал)
  • Арипов Сахибжон (НТРК)
  • Архипов Илья Владимирович (Bloomberg)
  • Аскаров Арнур Егемен (Қазахстан)
  • Ахмет Аршын Телеканал (Казахстан)
  • Ахметов Медет (Казинформ)
  • Баграмов Станислав (НТРК)
  • Балицкий Александр Александрович (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Балыкин Василий Владимирович (МТРК "Мир")
  • Баранов Павел Александрович (LIFE)
  • Баранов Дмитрий Юрьевич (Первый канал")
  • Барроуз Эмма (CNN)
  • Батурин Василий Михайлович (ТВ Центр)
  • Бедняков Павел Викторович (ИЗВЕСТИЯ)
  • Безлаковский Денис Валерьевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Белов Владимир Геннадьевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Белозеров Александр Викторович (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Бельгибекова Акмарал Пресс-служба (МИД РК)
  • Бескоровайная Надежда Геннадьевна (Вести Сочи)
  • Бескоровайный Артем Сергеевич (RT - Russia Today)
  • Бешанова Юлия ЗАО (СТВ)
  • Биргебаев Жумагали Хабар
  • Блинов Максим Николаевич (МИА "Россия сегодня")
  • Бугайченко Елена (НТС)
  • Былкина Екатерина Владимировна (RT - Russia Today)
  • Ваган Игорь Станиславович (ЕЭК)
  • Василюк Вячеслав Борисович (МТРК "Мир")
  • Велиев Ровшан (АзерТадж)
  • Верницкий Антон Владимирович (Первый канал)
  • Выжга Станислав (Accent TV)
  • Гадиев Фазиль (АзТВ)
  • Глебова Мария Сергеевна (РИА Новости)
  • Голованова Татьяна Александровна (МИА "Россия сегодня")
  • Голок Борис Григорьевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Горячев Геннадий Валентинович (МТРК "Мир")
  • Григорьянц Татьяна Юрьевна (Вести ФМ)
  • Гунеев Сергей Геннадиевич (МИА "Россия сегодня")
  • Давыдов Сергей Викторович (МТРК "Мир")
  • Долотакунов Самат (НТС)
  • Досалиев Султан (Аппарат Президента КР)
  • Досанова Шынар (Телеканал "Казахстан")
  • Дрэгэлин Виталие ( НТВ Молдова)
  • Дубовицкий Владислав Александрович (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Дуйшенбеков Бактурсун (ОТРК)
  • Евтякова Елена Николаевна (Первый канал)
  • Егоров Сергей Викторович (Журнал "ХРАМ")
  • Ежов Илья Максимович (Вести ФМ)
  • Ентебеков Дулат Хабар
  • Еркетаев Тимур (Телеканал "Астана")
  • Желноваков Антон Юрьевич (Телеканал Дождь)
  • Жестков Александр (Accent TV)
  • Жуасбаев Бауыржан (
  • Журавлева Наталья Павловна (МТРК "Мир")
  • Завражин Константин Юрьевич (ФГБУ РГ)
  • Залиту Мохаммад (RT - Russia Today)
  • Захаров Геннадий Сергеевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Зейналова Ирада Автандиловна (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Ибодов Мумин (Пресс-служба)
  • Ибраймов Мухтар Хабар)
  • Иванова Дина Олеговна (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Иманалиев Азамат (AKIpress)
  • Исаева Алина Шамилевна (ИА "Связка")
  • Исраилов Учкун (Пресс-служба)
  • Истратова Ольга Юрьевна (Власть Буквы)
  • Кабылова Урмат Кабыловна (Аппарат Правительства Кыргызской Республики)
  • Кадырова Асель (1 канал Евразия)
  • Каниметов Канат (ОТРК)
  • Караджан Сефа (АAnadolu)
  • Карлин Андрей Анатольевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Кауметова Индира (
  • Кел Джеффри (CNN)
  • Киртоки Михаил Александрович (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Колбачаева Жанар (Пресс-служба ПРК в РФ)
  • Колесников Андрей Иванович (Коммерсантъ)
  • Колчков Олег Сергеевич (Первый канал)
  • Комиссаров Евгений Александрович (Телеканал Дождь)
  • Корзин Андрей Андреевич (ТАСС)
  • Коротаев Артем Викторович (ТАСС)
  • Корсунская Дарья Владимировна (Рейтер)
  • Корунов Никита Сергеевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Костенко Юлия ИА (
  • Кудрявцева Елена Владимировна (РИА Новости)
  • Кузнецов Андрей Сергеевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Кузнецов Борис Владимирович (RT - Russia Today)
  • Кукушкина Татьяна Александровна (РИА Новости)
  • Курамаев Азамат (Аппарата Президента КР)
  • Курдубанов Константин Евгеньевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Кушнир Валерьян Валерьянович (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Лаврийчук Артем Владимирович (AL MAYADEEN TV)
  • Ласеева Юлия (1 канал "Евразия")
  • Латухина Кира Александровна (РГ)
  • Любезнова Наталья Евгеньевна (ИА "Интерфакс")
  • Магер Юлия (Казахстанская правда)
  • Мадорский Дмитрий Анатольевич (Рейтер)
  • Мазуро Олег (Пресс-служба)
  • Макей Ольга (Белтелерадиокомпания)
  • Максимова Анна Витальевна (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Малышев Александр Ярославович (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Мамбетшерипова Назира (НТРК)
  • Мамедов Ельнур (АзТВ)
  • Мамедов Турал (АзТВ)
  • Матиевский Михаил (ИА "БелТА")
  • Махмадалиев Дилшод (PRESS TJK)
  • Махмудов Фарходжон (НТРК)
  • Мелехов Андрей Валерьевич (Первый канал)
  • Меликян Татьяна Мишовна (
  • Метцель Михаил Иванович (ТАСС)
  • Мешков Дмитрий Алексеевич (ИНТЕРФАКС)
  • Мирзоян Тигран Эдуардович (Вести Сочи)
  • Михайлов Андрей Юрьевич (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Михайлов Александр Анатольевич (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Михин Еламан ТРК Президента (РК)
  • Могилевский Дмитрий Фабианович (Мастерская)
  • Морозов Владимир Владимирович (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Морозов Владимир Евгеньевич (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Мосафир Салам А (RT - Russia Today)
  • Мочалов Геннадий Анатольевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Мухамедьяров Адильхан (Пресс-служба Президент РК)
  • Мухаммед Ариж Абделькаримовна (RT - Russia Today)
  • Наговицын Сергей Сергеевич (МТРК "Мир")
  • Насср Хассан - (RT - Russia Today)
  • Ниёзи Султон (PRESS TJK)
  • Никаноров Владимир Степанович (Исполнительный комитет СНГ)
  • Никольская Полина Михайловна (Рейтер)
  • Новгородцев Андрей (ЗАО "СТВ")
  • Новицкий Георгий Александрович (Телеканал "ЗВЕЗДА")
  • Носков Вячеслав Валерьевич (МТРК "Мир")
  • Пахомова Елена (НТВ Молдова)
  • Петров Николай (ИА "БелТА")
  • Пешанов Юрий Николаевич (Телеканал Дождь)
  • Пинчук Денис Викторович (Рейтер)
  • Полянский Александр Николаевич (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Проценко Виктор Евгеньевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Пулодзода Завкибек (PRESS TJK)
  • Пушков Роман Евгеньевич (RT - Russia Today)
  • Пятов Валерий Николаевич (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Разумный Евгений Николаевич (Ведомости)
  • Реджепов Какамурат Абдурахманович (Газета «Туркменистан»)
  • Решетников Александр Феликсович (Рейтер)
  • Ризаев Дамин (НТРК)
  • Ровнов Петр Александрович (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Романенкова Вероника Михайловна (ТАСС)
  • Романов Евгений Юрьевич (Мастерская)
  • Романов Анатолий Юрьевич (МТРК "Мир")
  • Романькова Ирина Николаевна (Вести Сочи)
  • Рузавин Николай (Белтелерадиокомпания)
  • Самадов Анвар (УзА)
  • Самсония Лана Борисовна (Интерфакс)
  • Санин Виталий (ТРК Президента РК)
  • Санфиров Валерий Владимирович (Вести ФМ)
  • Сапожников Кирилл Петрович (Мастерская)
  • Сатиев Уланбек (Аппарат Президента КР)
  • Сейдалин Тимур (Пресс-служба Президент РК)
  • Семченко Дмитрий (Телеканал ОНТ)
  • Сендеров Семен Андреевич (RT - Russia Today)
  • Сиддик Саидали (НИАТ "Ховар")
  • Сисенов Ерлан (Телеканал "Астана")
  • Ситдиков Рамиль Равилевич (МИА "Россия сегодня")
  • Смирнов Дмитрий Викторович (
  • Созаев-Гурьев Егор Сергеевич (Известия)
  • Спиридонов Вячеслав Николаевич (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Старостина Мария Александровна (RT - Russia Today)
  • Сулейманов Шухрат (НТРК)
  • Султаналиев Адилет (Аппарат Президента КР)
  • Султанбаев Эрбол Абдыкадырович (Аппарат Правительства Кыргызской Респ.)
  • Тайджыкова Майса Айдогдыевна (Журнал «Зенан калбы»)
  • Татищев Сергей Евгеньевич (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Терехин Александр Владимирович (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Терпугова Александра Вячеславовна (Вести ТК "Россия")
  • Тихонов Андрей Михайлович (Телекомпания НТВ)
  • Токторбек уулу Чынгыз (ГТРК "ЭлТР")
  • Торалиева Гульнура Тынчтыкбековна (Аппарат Правительства КР)
  • Убайдаев Замир (Телеканал "Казахстан")
  • Узонбай кызы Махабат (ГТРК "ЭлТР")
  • Фаляхов Рустам Анатольевич (Gazeta.Ru)
  • Федоненков Денис Юрьевич (Телеканал "ЗВЕЗДА")
  • Федоров Максим Викторович (Вестник экономики)
  • Филаткин Олег Иванович (Вести Сочи)
  • Халлабов Мердан Байраммухаммедович (ТРК Туркменистана)
  • Хаткевич Светлана Петровна (Профессионалы России)
  • Химшиашвили Полина Михайловна (РБК)
  • Хингеева Маргарита Геннадьевна (МТРК "Мир")
  • Ходжиматов Минхажидин (Пресс-служба)
  • Хокинс Даниил RT - Russia Today)
  • Царьков Евгений Николаевич (RT - Russia Today)
  • Чанс Мэттью (CNN)
  • Черваков Михаил Игоревич (Мастерская)

Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

A meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council took place in St. Petersburg.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, and President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev reviewed the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council’s first two years of work and examined the integration organisation’s further development. Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board Tigran Sargsyan also participated in the meeting.

Following the meeting, the participants endorsed a number of draft documents.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:


As host of today’s meeting, let me say a few words before giving the floor to Mr Nazarbayev, who heads the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council – Kazakhstan holds the presidency this year.
Before we turn to business, let me welcome you all to St. Petersburg.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is marking its second birthday this year, which offers us a good pretext for reviewing our work together over this time and exchanging views on the development prospects ahead for Eurasian integration.

Together, we have achieved some important results in our efforts to build the Eurasian Economic Union. We have established a large common market operating on approved rules that are based on the World Trade Organisation’s universally recognised principles. We have worked consistently to remove barriers to the free movement of goods, services, labour and capital. Since the Union began, the number of non-tariff barriers has decreased by more than 30 percent.

This year, a common market for medicines and medical goods began operation. This will help to bring down prices for socially important pharmaceutical goods and will enable us to better monitor quality and circulation of these goods and combat counterfeit products more effectively.

The Union has adopted the Concept for establishing a common market for gas, oil and petroleum products by 2025. We are developing universal rules for electricity trade and access to natural monopoly players’ services in this area.

We are improving our anti-monopoly rules and regulations. We continue work to establish a common financial market by 2025. The draft Concept for gradual liberalisation in this sector that the experts have approved provides for harmonising our countries’ current rules on credit, monetary, currency, banking and insurance operations.

We are working steadily to improve the Eurasian Economic Union’s legal base too. Much work has been put into preparing the new Customs Code. The Code contains a whole series of important legal innovations in line with the most advanced world practice. The Eurasian Commission for Customs Regulation gains substantial new powers and there are provisions for broad use of digital technology when carrying out customs formalities for goods at the Union’s external borders.

One of the key priorities for the Eurasian Economic Union’s activity is to establish a favourable business climate in order to fully develop our countries’ production and technological potential.

We must work more actively with our countries’ companies on developing industrial cooperation and be more energetic in our efforts to get small and medium business involved in the production and technology chains.

One of our paramount tasks in the immediate future is to develop a common digital space throughout the Eurasian Economic Union. I recently discussed this in Moscow with Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board Tigran Sargsyan. I agree with him completely that the digital economy has undergone massive development over these last years, especially in countries such as China and the United States, and if the Eurasian Economic Union were to lag behind in the areas of global electronic trade and intersectoral digital platforms, this could have an impact on our competitiveness on foreign markets and on our Union’s domestic markets.

I will not go into the details, but let me just note that as far as external relations go, we are developing interesting and fruitful work with our potential partners. We have signed a free trade agreement with Vietnam, as you know. Israel, India, Iran, Singapore and Egypt have all expressed interest in similar relations. We are working with the People’s Republic of China. These are all matters that we will discuss today.

Once again, I want to wish you all a warm welcome to St. Petersburg.

Thank you very much.


Members of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russion Federation Igor Shuvalov.
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov.
Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in St. Petersburg
Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Nursultan Nazarbayev at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Nursultan Nazarbayev at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Putin at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Putin at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
At the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Putin and Ushakov at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Putin and Ushakov at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Council.
Putin at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Putin at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Vladimir Putin signing documents at the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Vladimir Putin signing documents at the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Aide to the President Yury Ushakov at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.
Aide to the President Yury Ushakov at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Putin met with Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Vladimir Putin met with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev before the start of a Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting in St. Petersburg.

Following the meeting, Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Protocol amending the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Status of the City of Baikonur and Procedures for the Formation and Status of its Executive Bodies of December 23, 1995, and approved the Concept for Continued Cooperation at the Baikonur Center.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Mr. Nazarbayev, colleagues, friends, let me wish you a warm welcome once again to St. Petersburg.

Mr. Nazarbayev, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence. Under your leadership, Kazakhstan has achieved impressive results. We welcome this, all the more so as Kazakhstan is an active player in the integration processes underway in the post-Soviet area, and the very fact that a successful country is actively advancing the integration project reflects positively on all participants in the Eurasian Economic Union.

We wish you further success and hope that our integration organization's meeting planned today will likewise be a success.

President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev:

Mr. Putin, thank you, first of all, for the chance to meet before the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting today. The Eurasian Economic Union is a child of our creation and we must nurture and continue to develop it.

It saddens me to have to speak of the tragic events that have taken place in Russia, the ambassador’s murder and the plane crash. Let me once again express on my own behalf and on behalf of the Kazakhstani people profound condolences to the entire Russian people.

Vladimir Putin:

Thank you.

Nursultan Nazarbayev:

This great tragedy affects and touches us all, and we share common sorrow. We express our deepest condolences to all of the victims’ families and loved ones.

Our relations are developing in normal fashion. Issues come up, but they are settled at the government level.

We have spoken before about Baikonur, one of the biggest and longest-running issues in our relations. The deputy Russian prime minister was in Kazakhstan and we had a detailed discussion. I am grateful to him for his highly practical approach to the issues involved. Now, we are ready to approve the new roadmap for the next 8 years, through 2025. The new medium rocket will be the linchpin for our bilateral cooperation at Baikonur with regard to continued use and all the other issues.

As for the Eurasian Economic Union, Kazakhstan’s presidency of the organization is coming to a productive end. Overall, I think the Customs Code has been settled now and is ready for signing. I think the heads of state present will approve it and those not present will add their signatures later, seeing as no one had any objections and everything has already been approved.

There are some issues regarding some of our colleagues, which the governments continue to discuss. I think that our Supreme Council meeting today will settle some of these matters. We have seen our trade turnover decrease, of course, but this is due to current low market prices for our goods. In physical terms, trade volumes remain as before.

Yesterday, we visited two important enterprises here in St Petersburg that gave us a glimpse of the future. In this respect, I note again that we seek to continue our military-technical cooperation. We proposed the formation of a committee on science and technology and on defense and technical matters.

We have quite a few meetings ahead. Kazakhstan will host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting, and then there is the opening of EXPO-2017. Next autumn, we have our interregional meeting in the Chelyabinsk Region, and then a new Eurasian Economic Union meeting in Moscow. We will have opportunities to meet, in other words, and will be able to settle any matters that arise.

Mr. Putin, I wish you success in all your undertakings. 2016 is coming to an end. We spoke yesterday about how much progress the import replacement efforts have made, and I was particularly impressed by how you have resolved the question of manufacturing aircraft engines.

I know that the work in Syria places a heavy load on you and Russia. I think that you are pursuing this work for all of humanity, all people in the world, and we are starting to glimpse hope for a solution. Acting on your proposal, Kazakhstan is ready to host these talks [on peace in Syria] in Astana. We spoke with [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan yesterday, and [Iranian President Hassan] Rouhani was in Almaty, and they all agree with this proposal. We will put in place the conditions so that they can work and meet.

Thank you.

Vladimir Putin:

Thank you.




Vladimir Putin with Nursultan Nazarbayev
Vladimir Putin. Meeting with President of Kazakhstan.
Putin and Nazarbayev. Before the ceremony signing joint documents.
Signing of bilateral documents.
Vladimir Putin with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Putin met with President of the EEC Board Tigran Sargsyan

Vladimir Putin met with President of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board Tigran Sargsyan to discuss current issues on the Eurasian integration development agenda and preparations for the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council’s meeting in St. Petersburg on December 26.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon, Mr. Sargsyan. I am very pleased to see you again. 
You have been in this post for nearly a year now. I know that you are working actively and have many interesting ideas. This morning, I spoke with [Presidential Aide] Mr. Belousov about the priorities you are advancing within the Eurasian Economic Union’s work. 
I think these are very interesting and promising ideas. What has already been accomplished is only the base. Free movement of capital, goods and people – this is just the base for moving forward with promising ideas that will produce the best results in terms of raising the overall competitiveness of all countries in our union. 
We look forward to seeing you on December 26 in St. Petersburg. We have the new Customs Code to approve, and I see this as an important milestone in developing our common economic space.
I am very pleased to see you and I am sure we have plenty to discuss.

President of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board Tigran Sargsyan:

Thank you very much, Mr. President.
First of all, let me thank you for the attention that you give to our integration association and to the efforts to develop our integration further. I want to present several issues of principle today, the resolution of which, in my view, will encourage deeper integration. I think that all member countries will gain from this.
As you noted, we have around 25 items on our agenda for the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council’s meeting, and I think they all have great potential, including in terms of stimulating economic growth in our countries. 
Thank you.

Vladimir Putin:
Excellent, thank you.

Related photos:

Vladimir Putin, Tigran Sargsyan.
Vladimir Putin, Tigran Sargsyan.
Russian President Putin and Tigran Sargsyan in Kremlin.
Russian President Putin and Tigran Sargsyan in Kremlin.
Russian President with Tigran Sargsyan in Kremlin.
Russian President with Tigran Sargsyan in Kremlin.