Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts

Putin sent greetings on opening of sports center for children FC Totem

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to participants, organizers and guests of the opening ceremony for the multifunctional sports center for the Krasnoyarsk children football club Totem.

Football club Totem.
Football club Totem.
The message of Vladimir Putin reads, in part:
“This is a long-awaited and truly festive occasion for all the FC Totem members and their coaches. The world leader among teams of children’s homes and boarding schools has obtained a modern and comfortable venue for training, practicing and hosting matches. It is symbolic that today, the cup of the 2018 FIFA world championship is presented here. After all, the preparations for such important international competitions, building brilliant, outstanding teams that are geared to win, begin with children's and youth sports, with the search for young talents, followed by fostering and developing them. It is precisely such arenas as yours that should unite everyone who loves this sport in our country and aspires to soar to new heights.”

Meeting of Talent and Success Foundation Board of Trustees.

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Talent and Success Foundation Board of Trustees.

Vladimir Putin at the meeting of Talent and Success Foundation Board of Trustees.
Vladimir Putin at the meeting of Talent and Success Foundation Board of Trustees.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon, colleagues, friends.

You have probably watched the meeting with the kids. It was a great pleasure talking to them, hearing how they live, what makes them tick and what they think about their future and the future of the activities they engage in.

Sirius has been working for two years. During this time 15,000 people from almost all parts of Russia have been here. And of course, it cannot accommodate all the gifted, promising children that we have in our country. So the next stage is to promote such systems in the Russian regions (this is up to the regions themselves).

As you know, several new fields have appeared: painting, chemistry, biology, chess and computer science. We believe that these are promising, much-needed fields.

Another large building was handed over to Sirius – to be more precise, the entire complex of the Olympic Games Organizing Committee. Let us talk about how it will develop, as well as about the short-term development prospects in general.


Meeting of Talent and Success Foundation Board of Trustees.
Meeting of Talent and Success Foundation Board of Trustees.

Head of the Talent and Success foundation Yelena Shmelyova.
Head of the Talent and Success foundation Yelena Shmelyova.

Conversation with World Chess Federation President.

Vladimir Putin had a brief talk with President of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov while viewing project displays at the Sirius Educational Centre, where chess is one of the subjects taught.

Vladimir Putin with President of the World Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
Vladimir Putin with President of the World Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon.

President of the World Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

Mr. President, good afternoon,

First of all, I would like to thank you on behalf of the World Chess Federation for last year’s inclusion of chess into the program for gifted children. Chess, as Mikhail Botvinnik [1911–1995, multiple world chess champion] said, unites sport, science and culture. It also develops both the left and the right hemispheres of the brain in children.

Vladimir Putin:

Did you have a holiday yesterday? My congratulations.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

Yes, it was yesterday. Fifty years ago, UNESCO declared International Chess Day. Chess is the only sport with an International Day. In those fifty years, the World Chess Federation has become the largest federation with 188 member countries, over 100,000 competitions held by us, and 600 million chess players. Now we have set a goal to increase the number of chess players to one billion by 2020. One billion chess players means one billon clever people. And the Sirius center helps us increase the number of smart and talented children.

Vladimir Putin:

I congratulate you as an organizer of this process and all the people who love chess and play it, and we have hundreds of thousands of them.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

We now have to produce a men’s and women’s world champion.

Vladimir Putin:

Yes, we have to work on it.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

FIDE is to hold the next election of its president next year. I think that Russia should not yield this position, and I decided to run for FIDE president again.

Vladimir Putin:

I think it will be decided by those eligible to vote, but as we see it from a distance, I think you are quite worthy, you do a good job with the responsibilities and running the federation. Undoubtedly, you have already gained significant experience and have every chance of winning. At any rate, you have the right to run and fight for it. For my part, I would like to wish you success.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

Thank you very much.

Presentation of passports to young citizens of Russia.

President Vladimir Putin presented passports to young Russian citizens – winners and medalists of contests, academic, artistic and sporting competitions, top students, children who committed acts of heroism, winners of the We Are Citizens of Russia nationwide contest.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The nationwide campaign We Are Citizens of Russia, a ceremony to present passports to school students, was launched by the public organization Russian Movement of School Students together with the public organization Russian Youth Union.

Following the presentation of passports, the President gave participants in the ceremony a tour of his office.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon, friends.

As you know, today is a special day. Today is a holiday called Russia Day, it is a celebration of our country. And what is a country? It is the people, the country’s citizens. All of us become citizens at birth. This, naturally, is part of our laws, practice and tradition, and at the age of 14 you receive your passports.

By 14, you have managed to achieve, to do a lot. Some of you, as I believe will be mentioned here as well, have displayed the best human qualities – courage, you could even say self-sacrifice. I am referring to those of you who were not scared to lend a hand to another human being in a very difficult situation, to essentially save a life.

The most important thing is that possessing such good inclinations, such qualities, you have every chance of doing big, brilliant, important things in your lives. Today, on Russia Day – as you might have seen from the media – here, in the Kremlin, National Awards were presented to our outstanding citizens for their achievements in their narrow field over many years. Each of you, after you choose your own path, will have a chance to do the same.

I am counting on it, and I would like to wish you luck, because, while pursuing individual achievements, we, of course, everybody, including you in the future, will be making a substantial, serious contribution, which is greatly needed for the country, for its development, for preserving its greatness, for its future. You are the future for us, because soon you and your peers will have to shape the destiny of Russia – this much is clear.

I sincerely congratulate you on receiving this very important document, your passport, and wish you all the best.


Presentation of passports to young citizens of Russia.
Presentation of passports to young citizens of Russia.
Vladimir Putin presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
Vladimir Putin presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
President Putin presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
President Putin presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
Russian President presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
Russian President presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
President of the Russian Federation  presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
President of the Russian Federation  presents passports to young citizens of Russia.
At a ceremony presenting passports to young citizens of Russia.
At a ceremony presenting passports to young citizens of Russia.
At a ceremony in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin and young citizens of Russia.
At a ceremony in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin and young citizens of Russia.
Following the presentation of passports, the President gave participants in the ceremony a tour of his office.
Following the presentation of passports, the President gave participants in the ceremony a tour of his office.
Following the presentation of passports, Russian President gave young citizens a tour to his office.
Following the presentation of passports, Russian President gave young citizens a tour to his office.
Vladimir Putin and young citizens of Russia visiting President's office.
Vladimir Putin and young citizens of Russia visiting President's office.
President Vladimir Putin with Russian children in his office. 
President Vladimir Putin with Russian children in his office. 

President Putin in Bryansk Region.

Vladimir Putin toured the new perinatal center at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1 and congratulated the staff on International Women’s Day.

President Putin, stuff of new perinatal centre at Bryansk City hospital 1.
Vladimir Putin visiting new perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1.

Accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Healthcare Minister Veronika Skvortsova and head of the centre Alexander Kulachenko, the President viewed the surgery unit, an intensive care ward, an incubator for premature babies, and the telemedicine centre, which allows for speaking with doctors at other medical facilities. Mr. Putin also talked to a young mother, one of the centre’s patients.

It took eighteen months to build the new perinatal centre in Bryansk. The facility, which can provide care to very small babies weighing as little as 500 grams, will treat patients with the most complicated pregnancies that require high-tech assistance.

The facility will have consultative-diagnostic, reception, maternity, and post-natal departments, a surgery unit, an intensive care and intensive therapy department for women and newborns, a pregnancy pathology department, and a number of other units.

The perinatal centre is capable of rendering all kinds of in-patient specialised high-tech medical care in the areas of obstetrics, gynaecology and neonatology, and can provide women and children with outpatient consultations and diagnostics as well as medical rehabilitation.

The President had a brief conversation with the staff of the perinatal centre.


Russian President Vladimir Putin.
President Putin. Arrival in Bryansk.
Stuff of the new perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1.
A brief conversation with the stuff of the new perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1.
Vladimir Putin, Stuff of the perinatal medical centre.
Vladimir Putin, a brief conversation with the stuff of the new perinatal centre at Bryansk.
Vladimir Putin in the new perinatal centre at Bryansk.
Vladimir Putin had a brief conversation with the staff of the new perinatal centre.
Stuff of the perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1.
Stuff of the new perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1.
President Putin. Conversation with medical stuff.
President Putin meeting with stuff of the new perinatal centre in Bryansk.
Vladimir Putin, Medical stuff.
Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trip to Bryansk Region.
President Putin, stuff of the perinatal centre.
Vladimir Putin with staff of the perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital No. 1.
President Putin in the new perintal centre.
President Putin visiting the new perinatal centre in Bryansk Region.
Vladimir Putin, new perinatal centre.
Vladimir Putin in the new perinatal centre, Bryansk Region.
President Putin in the new perinatal centre at Bryansk City Hospital 1.
Russian President visiting the new perinatal centre in Bryansk Region.
Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin. Healthcare and Medicine.