Dismissal in state departments.

Dismissal in Administration of the President, FSB, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Federal Security Service (FSB)

Vladimir Putin has signed decrees and dismissed the lietenant general Vasily Hristoforov from a position of the head of department of registration and archival funds of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and discharged him from military service on reaching age limit of stay on military service.

Administration of the President

Vladimir Putin has signed decrees and dismissed Konstantin Kotenko of the deputy manager of affairs of the President of the Russian Federation – the chief of the Head medical department of the Executive officer of the President at own will.

Ministry of Defence

Vladimir Putin has signed decrees and dismissed Alexander Fisun of the chief of the Head military-medical department of Defense agency of the Russian Federation at own will.


Ministry of Internal Affairs

Vladimir Putin has signed decrees and dismissed Alexander Savenkov of the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Russian Federation – the chief of Investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at own will.

List of Orders:

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Dismissal in Administration of the President, FSB, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Internal Affairs. Federal Security Service (FSB) ...

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